When parked on the ramp, how do Jet Shades compare to foil guards?
Jet Shades are designed for use during flight and can also stay in while parked on the ramp to protect the aircraft interior from excessive heat damage caused by harmful UV rays. While foil guards can be helpful, they are time-consuming and cumbersome and do not offer the benefit of blocking up to 94% infrared heat (Premium Version) and 99.9% UVA/UVB, the primary cause of cracked and faded interiors. Jet Shades keep the aircraft cooler than foil guards when parked on the ramp.
What kind of UV radiation protection do Jet Shades offer?
- UV-A is 320 nm to 380 nm - transmits through the atmosphere.
- UV-B is 290 nm to 320 nm - partially absorbed by the atmosphere (ozone layer).
- UV-C is 100 nm to 290 nm - absorbed by the atmosphere (ozone layer).
We test and report according to NFRC standards, these reference ISO9050:2003 as the method for measuring UV transmittance between 300 nm and 380 nm.
The UV transmittance of glazing is the fraction of the incident solar radiation transmitted by the glazing in the 300 nm to 380 nm range (UV-B range from 300 nm to 315 nm and UV-A range from 315 nm to 380 nm.)
Using the NFRC method, Jet Shades are 99% or greater, on average, in UV rejection.
Where can I find warranty information for my Jet Shades?
All Jet Shades come with a two-year warranty. A copy of our warranty is shipped with your Jet Shades, or you can view the warranty here.
I have factory-tinted cabin and skylight windows in my aircraft. Do I still need Jet Shades?
The short answer is Yes! Here's why: the factory-installed limo tint package blocks mostly light - not heat. When you add our Jet Shades premium, 76% of the heat BTU’s coming in from the tinted windows will be blocked, making for cooler, more comfortable trips. And, passengers can still enjoy the amazing views with the added peace of mind because Jet Shades also block 99.9% of harmful UV radiation — a must when traveling with light-sensitive passengers, children or pets.
Is there an STC (Supplementary Type Certificate) needed to fit Jet Shades into my aircraft windows?
No, an STC is not needed as placing Jet Shades in your aircraft windows is not modifying the aircraft in any way. There are no adhesives used, no suction cups, no tools are needed, and nothing attaches to the aircraft windows. Jet Shades can be placed/removed in your aircraft windows for each flight as well as easily installed/removed by the pilots during flight.
Will Jet Shades damage the aircraft windows?
No. It takes 205℉ to start damaging acrylic windows and much higher for glass windows. Jet Shades, when installed correctly, significantly block UV/UVB and infrared rays and, unlike foil guards, do not generate windshield heat near this threshold. Jet Shades create a cooler, ambient interior temperature that preserves windows, window trim, and interior finishes.
Can I use generic film on my aircraft windows? I’ve seen mentions of ‘aviation films.’
Only if you want to violate the FAA regulations and have your aircraft grounded on a ramp check or fail a pre-buy inspection. There is no ‘Aviation film’ that is approved for aircraft use as this would require an STC. Without an STC it is a violation to make modifications to an aircraft. Films block emergency window viewing for safe egress at night which is a violation. Films cannot be ‘carried on and carried off ‘ each flight like a portable electronic device and are not loose equipment. Not to mention the internal stress films put on aircraft windows as they shrink and expand. There have been several documented window blowouts and very expensive repairs due to films. To be very clear – films are not FAA-approved unless there is an STC to do so in your aircraft.
I have Rosen Visors. Will Jet Shades interfere with these?
No. The Jet Shades will not interfere with the Rosen Visor system. You can still use the Rosen Visors with your Jet Shades installed.
Are Jet Shades the same window tinting film used in automotive car windows?
No. Jet Shades do not use automotive tinting film. The film you see in cars will blister, wrinkle, and separate over time due to temperature changes and humidity when attached to surfaces other than glass. The tinting material used in automobiles absorbs a significant amount of heat which could potentially damage aircraft windows. Additionally, Jet Shades has a proprietary, engineered process for applying and curing its unique optical quality film that caters specifically to the aircraft. Note – Films should never be placed directly on aircraft cockpit windows – especially pressurized cabins. This can cause damage to the aircraft windows including cracking or blowouts of the cockpit windows.
Can I roll up my Jet Shades?
Jet Shades are flexible and can be rolled to about a 12” diameter circle without creasing. Going smaller than that can cause damage to the Jet Shades.
Will prolonged exposure to heat damage my Jet Shade?
Jet Shades are tested to withstand extreme heat up to 200℉ without bubbling, blistering, or delaminating.
Will Condensation form on the Jet Shades?
In some conditions (usually at flight levels for longer periods of time) you may see condensation or frost develop on the Jet Shade. This is perfectly normal and will not damage the Jet Shade. If condensation or frost does appear on the Shade, we recommend you remove the panel from the window or windshield and set it aside. The condensation or frost should quickly dissipate.
DO NOT attempt to remove your Jet Shades in flight unless the autopilot is verified as on and functioning or a qualified crewmember has control of the aircraft.
How long will my Jet Shades last?
Both original Jet Shades, Generation Two, and Ultra-Thins Jet Shades were designed using technology estimated to provide 5 years of service when used and maintained following our instructions. Jet Shades come with a two-year warranty.
Generation Two and Ultra-Thins Jet Shades: While Jet Shades are flexible and will bend without breaking or shattering, they can still be creased if folded or rolled up. Therefore, Jet Shades should not be folded or rolled up into a circle smaller than 12” in diameter.
Original Jet Shades: While the Jet Shades are somewhat flexible and will bend without breaking or shattering, they can still be damaged from overbending. Jet Shades should not be flexed more than necessary to install and fit your aircraft's windows. Flexing or bending past 30 degrees, not removing them in heat conditions, and exposure to high humidity, all reduce the life of the product. We recommend you follow the instructions sheet provided for conditions requiring removal as well as storage to prolong the life of your Jet Shades.
Can Jet Shades crack or shatter?
No. Jet Shades are flexible enough that they will only crease and wrinkle. They will not shatter or break.
Installation & Fit
I have a Rail that my visor slides on around my side windows and front windshield. Will the Jet Shades work with this configuration?
Yes, the Jet Shade should be able to slide behind the rail and up against the window. We have tested this on Eclipse, Citations, King Air, and other aircraft. If you have a non-standard rail system that interferes with the Jet Shades, please let us know and we’ll help find a solution.
Do I have to change the weight and balance of my aircraft with the Jet Shades installed?
Each Jet Shades panel weighs approximately ½ pound depending upon its size. A full set of Jet Shades installed in your aircraft can weigh from 3–12 pounds depending upon the number of windows involved. Since they are not permanently fixed to the aircraft they should be considered in the weight and balance calculation before each flight just as any other carry-on material would be.
What should I do if I am having trouble fitting my Jet Shade into my window?
If you are having trouble fitting Jet Shades into your windows, please contact us. We can determine if it is an installation issue or if we need to create an update to the shade design; or possibly, the Jet Shades you received did not match the pattern of your aircraft and the shades need to be swapped; or we can direct you to one of our Authorized Dealers. Whatever the issue is, we will work with you until resolved.
Note – there are many videos on our YouTube channel showing Installations. This may resolve issues as well.
How do Jet Shades attach to the window?
There are several different methods for installing Jet Shades depending upon your aircraft and the product line. On most piston propeller aircraft using our Ultra-Thin product line the Jet Shades slide between the aircraft window trim and window or are trimmed to fit the window exactly and rubber edging is applied. Mounting clips (provided) are attached to the windowpane and the Jet Shades panels are secured by pressing them into the clips. Gen2 Professional Series has a unique mounting system for Turboprops and Jets that provides an ultra-clean look and allows for easy installation of the Jet Shades during flight.
How can I tell if Jet Shades will fit my aircraft?
On each product page, you will find a Compatibility Chart that states which aircraft the product will fit. If you don’t see your aircraft on our site, please contact us. Most likely, we can custom-make one for your aircraft or send you a DIY kit.
Do Jet Shades attach to the aircraft window like a cling-on film or use suction cups?
No. Jet Shades do not "stick" or attach in any way to the aircraft window and no suction cups are used. Our securing mechanism allows Jet Shades to fit into the windowpane and cover the window without attaching to it. Therefore, you never have to worry about costly damage due to adhesive films (which can also be a violation of the FAA regulations) or suction cups that restrict window expansion and contraction during flight.
Use, Cleaning & Storage
Can I leave Jet Shades in my windows when parked?
Jet Shades has a one-of-a-kind formulation that reflects most heat and absorbs only a small portion. They can remain in the windows while parked under most environmental conditions.
Generation 2 Jet Shades: Gen 2 Jet Shades are tested up to 200 degrees F and can stay in while parked. They will protect your aircraft interior from damaging UV as well as block more than 80 percent of Infrared heat. The result is foil guards can stay in the hangar, as they are not needed in the aircraft anymore.
Original Jet Shades: The Jet Shades will become about 20 – 30 degrees warmer than the interior temperature of your aircraft. In some climates, the interior could get over 140 degrees while parked, which may cause thermal expansion in the Jet Shade. Therefore, when the outside temperature exceeds 90 degrees while your plane is parked outside in the sun for over 2 hours, remove your Jet Shades from the windows.
What should I do if the Jet Shades get wet?
Immediately wipe them off with a soft cloth towel. Do not let the Jet Shades stay in moisture for any period of time. Always keep Jet Shades dry for best performance.
How should I store my Jet Shades when not in use?
The safest place to store Jet Shades is in the microfiber Jet Shade case included with most orders. Jet Shades that do not have a case are best stored in a clean dry place and kept in a low traffic area to prevent scratching. In areas with high humidity or significantly high temperatures (over 90*F) it is best to remove the Jet Shades into a lower humidity environment.
What if it gets dark or goes from day to night while flying? Can I remove my Jet Shade in flight?
Yes, Jet Shades are easily removed while flying with the Autopilot engaged. The included instruction manual provides directions for easy removal. We also note that the autopilot is verified as on and functioning, or a qualified crew member has control of the aircraft during the removal of your Jet Shades.
Can I use foil guards with Jet Shades?
No, Jet Shades cannot be used at the same time as foil guards. Foil guards are not needed when Jet Shades are installed and can scratch the Jet Shades when inserting and removing them.
How do I clean my Jet Shades?
Jet Shades have a coating system that is applied to the surface of each panel that faces outward. For that reason, Jet Shades have both left and right orientations in the cockpit windows. To ensure the integrity of your Jet Shades, they must be cleaned properly and carefully to avoid damage.
For a light cleaning (such as removing fingerprints), simply wipe with a clean, microfiber towel. To remove heavier buildup, use approximately 1 tablespoon of baby shampoo per half gallon of water and dampen the microfiber towel with the cleaning solution. You can place the Jet Shade briefly under running water then blot with a paper towel or microfiber cloth. It is not recommended to submerge or soak the Jet Shades. Alternatively, you can use 70% isopropyl alcohol. Wet a microfiber cloth with alcohol and wipe the shade.
If Jet Shades can stay installed when parked, why would I need a storage case?
When flying at night you should remove the shades and place them in the polybag provided and stow them behind the pilot seat or in the cabin for quick access. The main use of the storage case is when the plane goes into maintenance. We have had damage to Jet Shades reported as technicians did not know how to handle them properly. Therefore we recommend you remove your Jet Shades and place them in the storage case when you bring your aircraft in for maintenance. If your Jet Shades package did not include a storage case, they can be purchased separately on our website.